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NCC do their bit for The Big Paddle Clean Up!

Clear Access, Clear Waters is a campaign for fair, shared and sustainable open access on water for all. As part of this campaign, and in affiliation with British Caneoing, The Big Paddle Clean up has evolved, in which NCC is now proudly participating in.

“No one will protect what they don’t care about and no one will care about what they have never experienced.” Sir David Attenborough

"In 2022, an amazing 1,200 paddlers took part in a bid to clear their local waterways of junk and plastic pollution. About 700 huge sacks were filled containing 2,123 single-use plastic bottles, 1,476 cans, 831 glass bottles and 3,296 food wrappers.

This phenomenal achievement did not go unnoticed. British Canoeing and its community of paddlers were recognised at the inaugural BBC Sport Green Awards for our efforts.

We want the Big Paddle Cleanup 2023 to be even bigger."

NCC get involved!

On the warm morning of June 3rd 2023, Blake, Caitlin, Caroline, David, Phil, Jacqueline and Kim were led out by Lynne for the first of two clean up sessions in a mixture of plastic kayaks, Canadian canoes and SUP's. This time heading out West from the club.

A word from Lynne

Thank you all for a really fun and worthwhile cleanup paddle on SUPS, plastic and Canadian boats . The canal is a lot lighter of plastic, drink cans, boat buoys and bottles filled with who knows what contents, a doggy bag or two and last but not least a Lidl trolley (returned back to its rightful shop👍). Dave..thanks for a stirling effort paddling me around...cheers everyone!

The second of the clean ups will be held on 8th July at 9am

If you are not a member and don't have your own boat please feel free to walk along the canal towpath with the team and help out.

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