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Marshalling for
The Waterside Series

Waterside logo 2024.png

Contact Numbers

Control desk/Retirement/Emergency       Mike Richman  07870 769687

Race Organiser                                                  Clive Williams  07766 904113

Marshall Support                                                    Jo Holland   07766 751352

                                                                         Lynne Hutcheon   07825 541334

Emergency                                                                                                     999

Register to volunteer

Register to volunteer

The Waterside series relies on the support and help of its volunteers, especially those marshalling the race.

Please click below to show your interest in being a marshall for any number of the races. All support is welcome and essential.


Any problems registering via the links below or if you have any further enquiries please email volunteer@watersideseries.org.uk

Marshall locations

Marshalling locations
Race A
Race B
Race C
Race D
Aldermarston turn
Woolhampton swing bridge
NCC/Bulls Lock
West Mills/Town lock/Finish
Hamstead lock
Bruce Tunnel
Wooton Rivers

Marshall guidance

Marshalls will be provided a full folder of information and forms mentioned here.


Control Desk (Newbury Waterside centre – Upstairs)


Finish for Races ACD  - Newbury Waterside Centre

Finish for Race B - Newbury Canoe Club house by A339 Bridge



The Waterside Whatspp group for each race will show the list of Marshals for each race and immediate information for the day including:

  • Contact details for Race start, Control desk, First aiders, Marshall Coordinators

  • Lead and assistant marshals for each marshalling point

  • Weather Forecast

  • Course hazards and special instructions


Each marshalling point will have a Lead Marshall and Marshall Assistants. The Lead Marshall will organise the Marshalling Point and the Assistant Marshals. The Control Desk and Marshall Coordinators will be available to contact and attend if needed.


Marshall boxes will be at each Marshalling Point containing:

           Hi Viz Jackets (unique to NCC \ AD – please ensure return)

           1 x Survival Bag

           2 x Space Blankets

           Marshall Information Booklet including :

           Incident Report Sheets

           Time Delay Report Sheets

            Ideas and suggestion sheets

           Rubbish Bag

           Emergency sugar snacks and plasters etc.

           Snacks and cold drinks for Marshalls

           Plasters and hand sanitisers


First aiders are available if required, please contact Control Desk. Do please familiar yourselves with the Concussion Protocol which is detailed in the  document, and complete an Incident Form found at the back of the folder, (please leave completed form in folder).

Any incidents should be reported to Control Desk and or Marshal Coordinators of assistance is required.


Incidents and accidents should be reported to the Lead Marshall, Control Desk and Marshal coordinators if required, the event should be recorded on an Incident Sheet (in back of folder) please complete and leave in the folder.


Junior competitors will have support crews following their progress. Any issues with junior competitors please contact their support crew and the control desk.



When you arrive at the marshalling point signs/cones should be out.

Once in position:  Marshals please Whatsapp Waterside Series, so we know everyone is in position


Once the race has started...

Road crossings. It may be necessary to hold paddlers at road crossings, etc. If this has to be done for a significant time, i.e. more than 30 seconds, use the Time Delay Report Sheet (in the Marshalls Box) to make a note of paddler’s number & duration that they were held for, please pass this information to the Control Desk so this time can be deducted from the paddlers finish time.


Please be polite and considerate to traffic and other road users.

Marshalls should inform road users about the race and can politely request they wait whilst competitors cross the road, however care should be taken when directing or holding traffic, as there are no rights to stop highway traffic .

Please do not allow support crews to obstruct road or competitors.


Retirements, please let Control Desk know if you are informed of any so they are not expected at the finish.   Inform the control desk of :

Crew Number  -  Crew Name - Retirement - Location


Tail end Charlie (Not always applicable – notification on day)

When close to end of the days racing the last three boat numbers will be posted on the Waterside WhatsApp. Please post on the Waterside Whats App group the boat numbers as these last 3 competitors pass your marshalling points, this helps to ensure everyone has been accounted for.


When done for the day, it will be helpful if you can collect any signs, cones, etc together and leave them in a convenient place so NCC can pick up OR if you can please take all back to the clubhouse – if you are able to do this please confirm on the Waterside Series Whatsapp  – this will help us with clearing up at the end of the day. If you can also have a check for any rubbish that may have been dropped, and put it in the bag provided.




Thankyou to all the volunteers who make The Waterside Series a success!!

Marshall guidance
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